2018 Spruce-Fir Session
Agenda, Presentations (below) and Class Picture
Wells Conference Center, University of Maine, Orono
To learn more about our instructors, click on their names.
Wednesday, June 13, 2018
Welcome, Institute Overview and Introductions—Doug Denico, Carrie Sweeney, Charlie Levesque, and Karen Bennett
The spruce–fir forest type: using knowledge of species, stand dynamics, and land-use history to inform silviculture
Spruce and Fir: Forest Health Concerns—Allison Kanoti
- Insects of Eastern Spruces, Fir and Hemlock
- Insects of Eastern Pine
- Insects of Eastern Larch, Cedar and Juniper
- Insects of Eastern Hardwoods
Silvicultural systems and practices, including structure, composition, growth, and regeneration in even- and uneven-aged systems
- Acadian Spruce-Fir Forests: Even-aged, Multi-aged and Ecological Forestry—Bob Seymour
- Uneven-aged Silviculture: The Selection System in Acadian Mixed-Conifer Forests—Laura Kenefic
- The Irregular Shelterwood System: Review, Classification, and Potential Application to Forests Affected by Partial Disturbance, 2009–Raymond, et al.
- Multiaged Silviculture: Managing for Complex Forest Stand Structures–Kevin O’Hara. 2014. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Questions and answers and small group activity: Spruce-Fir: Comparing Regeneration Methods
Thursday, June 14, 2018, Field Trip
- Long-term U.S. Forest Service Research at the Penobscot Experimental Forest handout by Laura Kenefic
- Acadian Forest Research Ecosystem (AFERP) Silvicultural System: expanding gap group shelterwood (Acadian Femelschlag) or group selection with reserves handout by Robert Seymour
Field trip leaders:
- Mindy Crandall: economics
- Allison Kanoti: Forest health
- Keith Kanoti: Operational considerations including BMPs
- Laura Kenefic: silvics and silviculture
- Amber Roth: Wildlife considerations
- Bob Seymour: silvics and silviculture
Planned field stops:
1.) Unmanaged (reference) stand: Forest type, natural disturbances
2.) Even-aged silviculture: managed (shelterwood) regeneration (C23): Importance of advance regeneration
Even-aged silviculture: unmanaged regeneration (C22): Natural development and Rehabilitation treatments
3.) Even-aged silviculture: density management and production forestry (C23, CTRN): Precommercial thinning and Commercial thinning
4) Multi-aged silviculture: reverse-J structure (C 16, 17): Controlling species composition under an overwood; Importance of CWD; Contrast with exploitative repeated diameter-limit cutting (C15)
5) Multi-aged silviculture: area-based structures (AFERP irregular group shelterwood, group selection with reserves)
Wildlife, operations, and forest pest issues (balsam woolly adelgid; spruce budworm; hemlock woolly adelgid; windthrow susceptibility; root rots; spruce beetle; brown spruce longhorned beetle) to be discussed throughout
Required video
Click on link below. It takes you to the Institute Online page. Click on “overview session videos”. If you have not accessed the Silviculture Institute online material, you will have to create a free Vimeo account. Once you have done that, find the 2nd video entitled “Silvicultural Review: Back to Basics” and click on “Rent $4.95” and then on the next page click on “Apply promo code” and enter “Overview”. If you do this, the video is free to watch.
Silvicultural Review: Back to Basics, Dr. Tony D’Amato, University of Vermont
Required readings
Please read these in advance of attending the session. Bring copies of readings for reference. Copies won’t be provided at module session:
- Kenefic, L.S, Bataineh, M.M., Wilson, J.S., Brissette, J.C., and Nyland, R.D. 2014. Silvicultural rehabilitation of cutover mixedwood stands. Journal of Forestry 112(3): 261-271.
- Rogers, N.S., Kenefic, L.S., Crandall, M.S., Seymour, R.S., and Sendak, P.E. Sixty years of silviculture in a northern conifer forest in Maine, USA. Forest Science, Volume 64, Issue 1, 2 February 2018, Pages 102–111.
- Seymour, R. S. 1992. The red spruce-balsam fir forest of Maine: Evolution of silvicultural practice in response to stand development patterns and disturbances. Ch. 12 (p. 217-244) In: Kelty, M. J., Larson, B. C. and Oliver, C. D., eds. The Ecology and Silviculture of Mixed-species forests. Kluwer Publishers, Norwell, MA. 287 p.
- Seymour, R. S. 1995. The Northeastern Region. p. 31-79 In: Regional Silviculture of the United States, Ed. 3. Ed. J. W. Barrett. Wiley and Sons, N. Y. 643 p.
- Seymour, R.S. 2005. Integrating disturbance parameters into conventional silvicultural systems: Experience from the Acadian forest of northeastern North America. P. 41-48 In: Peterson, C.E. and Maguire, D.A., editors. Balancing ecosystem values: innovative experiments for sustainable forestry. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. PNW-GTR-635. 389 p.
Suggested Readings
Irland, L.C. Timber Productivity Research Gaps for Extensive Forest Management. In Small-scale Forestry (2011) 10: 389.
Ralston, Joel; King, David I.; DeLuca, William V.; Niemi, Gerald J.; Glennon, Michale J.; Scarl, Judith C.; Lambert, J. Daniel 2015. Analysis of combined data sets yields trend estimates for vulnerable spruce-fir birds in northern United States. Biological Conservation. 187: 270-278.
- Saunders, M.R., and Arseneault, J.E., 2013. Potential yields and economic returns of natural disturbance-based silviculture: a case study from the Acadian forest ecosystem research program. Journal of Forestry 111:175–185.
- Saunders, M.R,. Seymour, R.S., and R.G. Wagner. 2014. The Acadian Forest Ecosystem Research Program: An Example of Natural Disturbance-Based Silviculture in the Northeast. USDA For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-P-123. Newtown Square, PA: USDA Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 185 p.
- Exploring Silvicultural Strategies in Our Changing Forests II: Spruce-Fir webinar presented by R. Seymour on 2/18/16
Comparing regeneration methods assignment
The goal of this assignment is to apply the knowledge gained through today’s presentations and your previous experience in summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of different silvicultural systems for spruce-fir forests.
Form a small group and discuss the questions on this worksheet: Assignment for Spruce-Fir Module: Comparing Regeneration Methods. Fill out and submit one group worksheet (see “Upload your assignment” below) by Thursday morning before the session begins. When naming the file, use at least one last name of a person in your group.
Upload your assignment here
- June 13: 8.0 SAF category 1 CFEs and 3.0 CT CEUs
- June 14: 6.5 SAF category 1 CFEs and 2.0 CT CEUs