Online Mixed Oak-Hickory Session Documents
Required Readings
- Frey, B.R., M.S. Ashton, J.J. McKenna, D.Ellum, and A. Finkral. 2007. Topographic and temporal patterns in tree seedling establishment, growth, and survival among masting species of southern New England mixed-deciduous forests. Forest Ecology and Management 245: 54-63.
- Lefland, A.B., M.C. Duguid, R.S. Morin, and M.S. Ashton. 2018. The demographics and regeneration dynamic of hickory in second-growth temperate forest. Forest Ecology and Management 419-420: 187-196.
- Smith, D.M., and M.S. Ashton. 1993. Early Dominance of Pioneer Hardwood After Clearcutting and Removal of Advanced Regeneration. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry. 10(1): 14-19.
- Ward, J.S. 2017. Twenty-five year response of non-crop trees to partial release during precommercial crop tree management. Forest Ecology and Management 387: 12-18.
- Ward, J.S., G.R. Stephens, and F.J. Ferrandino. 2005. Influence of cutting methods on residual stand growth in sawtimber oak stands. Northern Journal of Applied Forestry 22(1): 59-67.
- Developing natural regeneration methods for second growth mixed-oak forests across complex landscapes webinar presented by Mark Ashton on 2/3/17
These readings are suggested:
- Leak, W.B., M. Yamasaki, J.S. Ward, K. Desmarais, and K.P. Bennett. 2017. Ecology and Management of Northern Red Oak in New England. University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension, Durham, NH.
Mixed Oak-Hickory Agenda
To access powerpoint handouts click on presentation title, to access instructor biosketch, click on names.
Monday, October 30, 2017
7:30 – 8:30 AM Register at Sturbridge Host on Cedar Lake Hotel and Conference Center, Sturbridge, MA
8:30 – 9:00 Welcome, institute overview including National Advanced Silviculture Program (NASP), and introductions—Carrie Sweeney, Karen Bennett, Charlie Levesque
9:00 – 10:30 Mixed oak-hickory history, silvics and stand dynamics—Mark Ashton and Jeff Ward
10:30 –10:45 Break
10:45 –11:45 Mixed oak-hickory pests and some management ideas—Kyle Lombard
11:45 –12:15 Lunch
12:15 – 2:15 Mixed oak-hickory silvicultural systems—Mark Ashton and Jeff Ward
2:15 – 2:30 Break
2:30 – 3:30 Acorn abundance patterns and their implications for wildlife and other wildlife considerations—Scott Williams and Michael Gregonis
3:30 – 4:30 Socio-economic and logistical considerations for oak managment in an exurban landscape—Tom Worthley
4:30 – 5:30 Small group activity: Developing silvicultural prescriptions on different sites
Tuesday, October 31, 2017, Yale-Myers Forest, Eastford CT
8:00– 5:00 Travel on your own to Yale-Myers Forest for field trip
Field trip leaders: Mark Ashton, Michael Gregonis, Kyle Lombard, Jeff Ward, and Tom Worthley
Stops covering silvicultural treatments and their effect on stand development. Soils, site quality and productivity incorporated into all stops. Silvics and stand dynamics included in all field stops. Economics, utilization and markets including avoidance of potential logging damage and layout considerations incorporated in most field stops. Forest health included in some field stops. Bag lunch in the field provided. The entire day is in the field, so be prepared.